• Precast Concrete Buildings

    Precast concrete buildings provide the most durable option compared to other modular building applications such as metal, wood and masonry. Shea Concrete Products, licensed by Easi-Set Worldwide, has manufactured, delivered and installed these pre-engineered storage buildings across the northeastern United States for nearly a decade. With a focus on cost-efficiency and quality control, each of our precast concrete buildings are typically pre-assembled at the factory and delivered and off-loaded in one piece.

    What makes a precast concrete storage building from Shea Concrete a desirable structure? The focus on quality control is at its highest level during production. Unlike build-in-place applications, your modular building is assembled indoors, which prevents any construction delay that would occur due to outdoor weather. This increases productivity, lowers costs and gives the customer a legitimate timeframe of when the modular structure can be placed on-site. We also offer Easi-Span buildings that are field assembled up to 40′ x 200′.

  • Specifications

      Precast Concrete Buildings

      For modular buildings for general use, the contractor will furnish a precast concrete building, which will then be pre-assembled, delivered, and placed on the owner’s prepared stone foundation in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

    • Standard Features

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    • Easi-Set Precast Concrete Buildings

    • Hazardous Materials Storage Buildings

      For modular buildings for the storage of hazardous materials, the contractor will furnish a precast concrete building conforming to the standards of the EPA, for maximum security and protection. The building will be pre-assembled, delivered, and placed on the owner’s prepared stone foundation in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

    • Standard Features

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    • Precast Concrete Restrooms

      Easi-Set and Easi-Span standard restrooms are available with a wide variety of options available. The standard Easi-Set restrooms are the Blue Ridge model (single restroom, wet or dry), the Sierra model (double restroom, wet or dry), the Shenandoah (single or double restroom, with screening wall), and the Easi-Set Skyline model (12′ x 20′). These modular buildings are constructed with all of the openings necessary for plumbing equipment. Easi-Set and Easi-Span restrooms are perfect for public use of outdoor bathrooms (parks, fields, urban settings).

    • Standard Features

    • Blue Ridge

    • Sierra

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    • Precast Concrete Vault Restrooms

      Precast concrete vault restrooms are manufactured with all of the necessary openings as specified by the contractor in conformance with the manufacturer’s structural requirements. These modular buildings are available with a wide variety of options to fit your exact needs.

    • More Information


    Precast building are available in a wide range of colors. Please contact us for more details.


    Shea Concrete offers modular buildings in a wide variety of finishes to match any environment. Choose the finish that best complements your structure and goes along with the look that you are trying to achieve.

      easiset custom


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      Skip Trowel

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      Split Block