February 3, 2021 / News & Events

The year 2020; dominated by fear, grief, and stress. And to top it all off it was an election year with the highest percentage voter turnout since 1900. While viewing social media and watching TV, one might not be able to think of any good news from this past year; but humans are inherently survivors and there are positive things that happened, too. The Dow is at a record high (after it plunged almost 3,000 points in March), Companies large and small revamped their production lines to make hand sanitizers, masks, and ventilators, Puzzles and board games became cool again, Nature walks with your loved ones (while social distancing from others), Rediscovered love for old hobbies like baking and gardening, TikTok blew up and cured our boredom, Drive-by birthdays and Zoom parties (now a household name), Wearing sweatpants became acceptable fashion all day, and Health care workers are heroes (also for some, after providing homeschooling, realized teachers are heroes too).

In some cases, the stress from last year has postponed people’s lives and for others they did not get to see 2021 arrive. My heart goes out to those fighting challenges and personal suffering. At the end of the year everyone usually talks about how the year flew by, but 2020 felt like it took a century. Most might want to forget 2020 and move on to a better new year, but last year has changed us and some of it for the good. We appreciate more of what we have, health, family, and friends. If anything, it has made us stronger and wiser. In times like this you rely more on your family, friends, and co-workers. If I learned anything at Shea from this pandemic is how dedicated our team is, I am so proud of the group we have at Shea Concrete Products. John Wooden, retired head coach UCLA Basketball could not have said it better.

“Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out.”

Last year started off as a banger year at Shea. Winter was mild and we had our best first quarter by a long shot. We were lucky enough to be able to stay open throughout the year and we learned a few things on the way. One being how to run virtually. Our employment levels fell during the year, but by the end of the year our employment level was at the same it was pre-pandemic. We finished the year off strong and our sales were ahead of previous years. Now that we have made it through a challenging year the question is what the long-term economic effects are from the pandemic. This new year for Shea still looks to be strong and we will continue to invest into the company by growing the team, expanding the product line, and purchasing equipment. We will continue to look ahead and work on being prepared for any challenges thrown at us.

My goal for 2021 is to maintain the environment at Shea that provides growth and opportunity for the employee as well as the customer. A place where the employee and customer are all part of the family that values each other, quality products, competitive prices and unparalleled service.

Believe in yourself, you can count on me to believe in you.

I wish you and your family a healthy and Happy New Year!

Greg Stratis

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